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The Sound of One Hand: Reaching Beyond the limits of Traditional Ink Painting

Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Importance of Words

Look what I just received! I just received this photo of my artwork from my favorite professor in graduate school at California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Casey. (John Jack Casey).  I created it way back in May of 1990. He was leaving to go to teach at another university and I was very sad so I made him this drawing with the Richard Bach saying on it. He has kept it all these years and has displayed it in his office wherever he went. We have just recently reconnected on FaceBook! At the time, I did not fully realize the importance of the words.

Here is our FaceBook exchange about the work!

John Jack Casey
John Jack Casey One of the reasons I kept it on my office wall continuously from 1990 until 2017 was for what it meant to me. You are my hero, Casey Shannon, for your perseverance in life, to find beauty and strength when times are seemingly insurmountable. You don't know how strong you can be until strong is your only choice...and no one has shown that more than Shannon Casey and Casey Shannon, And I believe meeting again is certain in ways beyond our own mortal comprehension. ❤️ Thank you.
Casey Shannon Art Studio 凱西香儂齋
Casey Shannon Art Studio 凱西香儂齋 Dr. Casey your comments mean a great deal to me. I am actually in tears reading them right now. Thank you so much for your words and your wisdom. I have always thought you were an amazing person and your family and friends are lucky to have you. I am lucky too.

Words are important!
Life is amazing!

Casey Shannon

Director of North America Branch ~ ICCPS
International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Painting Society

国際中国書法国画家協会アメリカ支部:Ms. Casey Shannon アメリカ現代水墨画家
  Casey Shannon Studio Art. 
Copyright ©  Casey Shannon Studio Art. All rights reserved


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