Japan Exhibition 2016
Tokyo Japan
June 6 to 12 2016
I am pleased and honored to share with you that I will be representing
the North America Branch of ICCPS at the Tokyo Japan art Exhibition
2016. The exhibit is organized by master Ryunosuke Yakata founder of ICCPS - International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Painting Society. Exhibit runs June 6 - 12, 2016
This show is the work of Ransui Yakata's sumi-e and calligraphy art academy. It includes the work of the directors of the branches of ICCPS - China, France, Russia, and North America.
This show is the work of Ransui Yakata's sumi-e and calligraphy art academy. It includes the work of the directors of the branches of ICCPS - China, France, Russia, and North America.
My work: Dragon River
Dragon River
Sumi-e by Casey Shannon
15 x 18 Sumi (Ink) on Xuan Paper
This work was mounted and made into a hanging scroll for the show. I will post pictures of the exhibit as soon as I receive them.
Casey Shannon
Director of North America Branch ~ ICCPS
International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Painting Sociey
国際中国書法国画家協会アメリカ支部:Ms. Casey Shannon アメリカ現代水墨画家
Copyright © Casey Shannon Studio Art. All rights reserved