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The Sound of One Hand: Reaching Beyond the limits of Traditional Ink Painting

Sunday, December 22, 2013

How are Chinese Brushes Made?

How is a Chinese Brush made?

Videos by Henry Li. Text and brush photo by Casey Shannon.

A Chinese Brush used for Calligraphy or Sumi-e painting is known to the artist as one of the 'Four Treasures of the Study'. The ink stick, stone, and paper are the other three treasures. For further information on the 'Four Treasures' go: HERE

The making of a Chinese Brush is a beautiful process that takes incredible skill. These brushes are made by hand in China. After I witnessed the detailed process and saw the skill and time involved in making one of these brushes, I thought 'no wonder these are called treasures'.

Here are three videos showing the incredible process that were filmed by Henry Li on a trip to China. The videos are in order and view brush maker Master Xu as he makes a brush. Master Xu has been making brushes a long time and the skill was handed down to him by his father. Brush making has been in his family for years. This is an incredible process and very interesting. I guarantee after viewing these videos you will treat your brushes with great respect.

I hope you enjoy these wonderful videos of Henry Li's. 

Happy Painting Everyone!


Director of North America Branch - ICCPS
International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Painting Society
国際中国書法国画家協会アメリカ支部:Ms. Casey Shannon アメリカ現代水墨画家

Copyright ©  Casey Shannon Studio Art. All rights reserved


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